Director and founder of Kingdom Encounter
Born in London, David grew up in a Christian home. Though his parents were believers, David’s heart was far from God. In 2009, whilst in his bedroom, he had a life changing encounter with the Holy Spirit, it was here where Jesus came alive to his heart and he surrendered his life to follow Him. Shortly after his experience he was involved in several evangelistic projects as well as becoming a youth leader within the local Church. During his pursuit of Jesus, in 2012, he had a supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit, from this moment he heard the call to ministry. David began to hunger for the presence of God, as he witnessed to those around him, he began to see Jesus touch many hearts. David’s passion is to see lives encounter Jesus intimately through the proclamation and power of the Gospel.
Director and founder of Kingdom Encounter
Noreen was just 13 years old when she had a radical encounter with Jesus which changed everything in her life. During her upbringing she had faced many challenges, though she and her family regularly attended a traditional Church she had never been introduced to Jesus as a real person, her life stood without any real purpose. In the year 2000, Noreen had a supernatural encounter with the love and presence of God in her bedroom. Since then she had a desire and compassion to see those around her encounter the love of Jesus. Over the year’s she has seen many set free, delivered, healed and come into a living experience with Jesus. As well as carrying a strong prophetic voice, she has a passion to reach out to the lost and broken. Her heart desires to see lives fulfill their God given birthright and destiny.

Director and founder of Kingdom Encounter
Born in London, David grew up in a Christian home. Though his parents were believers, David’s heart was far from God. In 2009, whilst in his bedroom, he had a life changing encounter with the Holy Spirit, it was here where Jesus came alive to his heart and he surrendered his life to follow Him. Shortly after his experience he was involved in several evangelistic projects as well as becoming a youth leader within the local Church. During his pursuit of Jesus, in 2012, he had a supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit, from this moment he heard the call to ministry. David began to hunger for the presence of God, as he witnessed to those around him, he began to see Jesus touch many hearts. David’s passion is to see lives encounter Jesus intimately through the proclamation and power of the Gospel.

Director and founder of Kingdom Encounter
Noreen was just 13 years old when she had a radical encounter with Jesus which changed everything in her life. During her upbringing she had faced many challenges, though she and her family regularly attended a traditional Church she had never been introduced to Jesus as a real person, her life stood without any real purpose. In the year 2000, Noreen had a supernatural encounter with the love and presence of God in her bedroom. Since then she had a desire and compassion to see those around her encounter the love of Jesus. Over the year’s she has seen many set free, delivered, healed and come into a living experience with Jesus. As well as carrying a strong prophetic voice, she has a passion to reach out to the lost and broken. Her heart desires to see lives fulfill their God given birthright and destiny.
His invitation simply says ‘come’, and it is in this coming we experience the King’s reign and rule inside of our hearts. This is the foundation of our ministry, that through continual encounter with Jesus, we will be a people that manifest His Kingdom in this world.